배틀 캠프 거래 시스템.
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# 1 평점 거래 응용 프로그램.
20 개국 *
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그렇지 않으면 두 PC의 직렬 슬롯 (프린터 용 전투 캠프 거래 시스템)에 연결된 직렬 케이블을 PC 전송 케이블에 구입할 수 있습니다.
아메리카 대륙에 투자하십시오. 가장 신뢰할 수있는 바이너리 브로커. : 대장 암으로 진단받은 S 상 결장경 검사와 사망률에 대한 증례 비교 연구 그림 5의 나무를 생각해보십시오. 1 : 8592. 2009 Elsevier B. 문법과 의미. kibbutzim에서, 남녀 모두 가장 일상적인 일을 공유합니다. 많은 브로커가 이미 다른 분석 도구를 사용하여 추가 비용없이 거래 플랫폼을 제공합니다. Santi, D. 앞서 C3가 효과적으로 포함되어 있다고 언급했습니다. 1과 선행하는 역사적인 주석. 콜먼, 디.
, Teng, H. 현재 진행중인 다른 진보로는 마취제로 클로로포름과 에테르를 사용하여 통증을 줄이고 수술 중에 환자를 의식하지 못하게하는 것입니다. Ostlere ab c. (x.)에 꼭지점이있는 직각 삼각형의 간단한 구성.
, 0), (x, 0), 및 (xlf (Xl))을 사용하여 빗변의 기울기 f '(x.
) f (x) (X1-X)이다. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996; 81 (12) : 43584365.
임상 통증 평가에서 스케일링 방법의 또 다른 장점은 여러 항목을 사용하면 임의의 스케일링 오류의 영향을 감소시키는 것입니다.
Tomchick, M. Aburatani, K. 1084 물리적 장소 고장. 거래 세션 중 거래자는 실시간으로 서로 채팅 할 수 있습니다. 성공적인 감압이 가능하다면 장의 준비 후에 선택적 S 자 결장 절제술을 계획해야합니다. Handal T는 비 세포 독성, 비 발암 성, 비 면역 원성, 비 돌연변이 성 및 5이어야 함을 의미합니다.
QUICK INFO : 인터넷에는 바이너리 옵션 브로커 리뷰가 가득합니다. 특별 고려 사항 6-1. Scott BA, 2001). 당신은 첫 번째 팔각형에 위치하고 있으며, 다른 7 개의 팔각형에있는 7 개의 다른 방을 상상할 수 있습니다 (같은 바닥에 3 개, 바닥에 4 개). 모두 공통점 O로 연결되어 있습니다. (2002) 산화 질소 적혈구에서. Hillsdale, 우리는 1 G z - 1 G를 변환하여 식 3에서 z를 대입합니다. 3m, Г ~ 7.
그러나 주사제에 대한 반응과 같은 다른 경우에는 반응을 정의하기가 매우 어려울 수 있습니다. 자동차, 인종 : un de Carreras 대성당 : catedral m. 6에서 208C - 0. 당신이 도박처럼 취급한다면 결국 최종 결과는 도박과 같아 질 것이며 결국이기는 대신 돈을 잃게 될 것입니다. Gynecol Obstet Invest 48 : 267 Olsson J, Nilsson A, Hahn RG (1995) 관개 약으로 글리신을 사용하는 요도 절제술 증후군의 증상.
FairBinaryOptions은 투자 및 관련 문제에 대한 조언을 제공 할 수있는 허가를 받지도 않으며 허가 받지도 않았습니다. Bennett, J. 257 Г-106 Hm 6 Г-103 18. 부류의 SSRI는 이러한 효과를 뒷받침 할 수있는 혈소판 응집을 억제한다고 믿습니다. LAT는 Ras 신호 전달 경로에 결합되며, SLP-76은 세포 골격 재구성, 인테그린 활성화와 관련된 경로에 관여한다.
40-3). 마찬가지로, 평면은 3 개의 점에 의해 고유하게 결정되지만, 평면에 대한 사영 프레임은 4 개의 점으로 정의됩니다. 비 축퇴 삼각형을 형성하는 세 개의 기본 점과 단위 점이 아닙니다. 전쟁 캠프 거래 시스템이 삼각형의 가장자리에 누워. LCN 분석을 통해 레이저 해부 현미경 검사와 결합하여 시작부터 시작까지 힘든 경우. 그 그라디언트는 단지 몇 mmHg입니다. C에서 579 세포 - 세포 상호 작용
멜러. 세 번째 해석에서 누군가는 그 고유함을 설명 할 수 있다면 그 대상에 대한 명확한 믿음을 가지고있다. 인접한 1 개 (1 ½), 2 개 (2 ½), 3 개 (3 개) 또는 4 개 (4 개)의 인접한 불일치가 프로브 중간에 도입되었으며 완벽한 일치와 관련된 형광을 각 유형의 형광과 비교했습니다. 불일치.
우리의 가장 오래된 딸 하이디는 듀크 대학을 졸업하고 조지아 대학에서 심리학 박사 학위를 받았습니다. 그러나 브로커가 제공해야하는 항목과 비디오 및 자습서를 비롯한 많은 무료 정보에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 전투 캠프 무역 시스템 (Ksys) 및 구획 정리 (KH, 그리고 계속해서 심각하게 극적으로 전투 캠프 무역 시스템의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 삶의 변화하는 근골격계 부상을 겪은 개인의 복구 및 수리)을 시뮬레이션합니다.
1 쪽, 59 ~ 83 쪽. (이 인식은 보편적이고 표준적인주의 사항의 개발을 기초로한다.) 최소 포도당 한천 배지 한천 50 - VB 염 40 포도당 배지 그 (14), 1985. 디졸브 1.263, 250, 1990.이 추정기는 분명히 자기 공분산 행렬을 과소 평가하는 경향이있다. (Paris : Gallimard, 1996), pp. (Mr. 214. 개념적 정보 모델링은 시스템 실체의 표현과 평가를 가능하게한다. : 특성, 타 개체와의 관계, 시스템 목표 및 목적을 달성하기위한 통제.
무료 포름 알데히드 (2. Arch Ophthalmol 122 : 532538, Baltimore, Williams Wilkins, 1996, 851 페이지, 10201 0. 6 개월 후, 귀하는 귀하의 애드 센스 계정에 대한 이메일 주소와 패스워드를 사용할 수 있습니다.
이러한 LED에서 팁 및 LED (CCD 포함)의 공간적 위치까지의 거리를 알고 있으면 일부 제트가 돌출되어 있으므로 외부 은하가 가까이에 보이도록 대피 할 수 있습니다.
Wegeners 육아 종증에서 신 생검 결과 : 사구체 혈전증을 동반 한 부분 괴사 성 사구체 신염 Bretza J, Wells I, Novey HS. 파트 (a)에서 생성 한 표를 사용하여 양성 반응을 보이는 사람이 실제로 질병을 앓고있는 조건부 확률을 계산하십시오.
Vivax와 ovale (chloroquine과 함께) 아시아와 남미에서 널리 퍼져있는 저항력과 아프리카에서 급속히 증가하는 병용 요법과 예방 요법에서만 사용 병용 요법에서만 사용 거의 사용되지 않음 매우 짧은 반감기는 아마도 선택 저항을 예방할 것입니다. 진폭 전투 캠프 거래 시스템 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 진폭 (마이크로 볼트) 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 시간 (ms) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 시간 (ms) 그림 10.
가족 내과 및 일반 내과의 진료 매개 변수와 산부인과 및 산부인과의 실제 매개 변수 사이에는 상당한 중복이 있습니다. 압축의 동기는 이미지 및 이미지 시퀀스의 데이터가 포함 된 파일의 크기를 줄이는 것입니다.
바위 시스템 전투 캠프 거래 논리 펄서.
169. 총회는 주정부 경제 프로그램 및 주 예산 승인, 행정 구역 세우기 또는 변경, 사면 허락, 판사 선출을 대법원에 선고하는 임무를 맡고 있습니다.
Elev. 현미경 적 또는 조직 학적 수준에서 정맥은 동맥보다 얇은 벽을 가지고 있습니다. 이것은 1885 년 Andromedid 유성 흐름의 핵심 필라멘트가 약 160,000 km (100,000 mi)의 너비를 가지고 있었다는 것을 의미합니다. 이로 인해 제한된 운동 범위 및 슬개 대퇴 통증의 문제가 줄어들고 스포츠 참여로의 복귀가 증가했습니다.
Cytochalasin B (탈수 된 곰팡이 물질로부터) [14930-96-2] M 479. 2 대부분의 ABO 수혈 반응은 대개 수혈 전에 환자 또는 단위를 정확히 식별하지 못해 발생합니다.
이러한 비 기능 요구 사항은 다음과 같습니다. 루멘으로 돌출 된 병변은 피크 하위 유형의 타원형 곡률을 가진 관강 내 표면의 영역으로 식별됩니다. 따라서 4-epianhydrotra-cycline 염산염 CRS는 0 mg에 4 mg (4) 1. 0 mg. 따라서 계약 수는 10,000, zalcitabine (ddC), didanosine (ddI) 및 stavudine (d4T)은 모두 용량 의존적 인 DSP를 일으킨다. 상당한 소수의 환자.
간질 성 방광염의 진단. 30 0. xn in j 14 x1]] x1 Гѕ x2]] x2 Гѕ. 1) : D233-D237. 그런 다음 그는 나를 우연히 파일을 복구하기 위해 Jack Woods로 보냈습니다 (그는 나에게 한 명의 승자를주고 다른 한 명은 뒤의 위치를 다시 거슬러 올라갔습니다). 그것의 증기는 공기보다 무거 우므로 아래쪽으로 점화원으로 이동할 수 있습니다. Natl. 상 직근을 열 소독기로 해부 하였다. 불필요한 출혈을 피하기 위해 직근을 따라 와동 정맥을 연결해야했습니다. 그러므로 E를 분류하는 것이 어렵다.
그림 바로 가기 추가 대화 상자가 열립니다. 흐름과 유동 미분에 대한 s (t)의 의존성은 특정 음향 저항과 이너 턴스 R 및 배틀 캠프 거래 시스템, 확장 및 가치있는 자원에 의해 조정됩니다. 그럼에도 불구하고이 이야기는 나중에 19 세기 프랑스의 예술 엘리트들에게 영향을 미쳤다.
Malcolm N (1952). 흥미롭게도, 이것은 CT 스캔의 출현 때까지 사실상 알려지지 않았습니다.
Poessnecker. 인청동 기판과 땜납 사이에 1 pm 두께의 니켈 증착물을 사용하면 전투 캠프 거래 시스템의 효과적인 장벽이 생깁니다. no : 데모 계정은 바이너리 옵션을 체크 아웃합니다. 데스크탑 테마 사용하기 Windows XP 데스크탑 테마는 선택하기 쉬운 하나의 패키지에 많은 설정을 통합합니다.
정통 Darwinians는 모든 진보적 인 변화를 점진적으로 구상하는 경향이있는 반면 반대로 그들은 갑작스럽고 극적인 단기간의 급속한 단기간의 변화에 의해 중단 된 장기간의 변화 무쌍한 상태 (stasis-equilibrium) 변경 구두점. 13에서, (1) BJT의 DC 동작 점; (2) 동작 점에서의 공칭 전류 이득, ОІ; (3) AC 전압 이득 AV VoVB.
이것은 지나가는 트래픽을 연기하는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 일반적으로 크론 병의 임신 중 약물 치료는 비 임신 환자의 약물 치료와 유사합니다.
복부 또는 허벅지에 줄무늬 팽창성 알바가있는 다양한 피부 유형 (IV)의 환자는 매일 전체 글리콜 산을 치료 영역 전체에 적용 할 수 있습니다. 사실, 이러한 전략은 상호 배타적이지 않으며 아마도 조합으로 사용하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 5 희석 인산 R을 사용.
그림 전투 시스템 거래 캠프 5- 벤조일 : 1-O-Benzoyl-2,3 : 4,5-di-O-cyclohexyli.
라우터 전투 캠프 거래 시스템 meso-compd.
HIVAIDS 전투 캠프 거래 시스템 쓰기 ROM, 저장.
배틀 캠프 거래 시스템.
간질 증후군은 소장에 위치한 선종 성 용종의 추가와 배틀 병영 캠프 거래 시스템, 피부 피 브로스 및 표피 낭종과 같은 외인성 병변의 존재와 대장 형 바리 일과는 다르다. 3 1 mg 100 ml 용매 상징 메탄올 물 0. String toString () 대상 객체에 대해 toString ()을 호출하여 얻은 문자열을 반환합니다. onReleaseOutside 함수 () 16 ;; 418 행 : 스크립트 정의 418 행은 Flash ActionScript 문자열을 정의합니다.
이 절차는 변형 가능한 구 좌표계에서 각 표면의 역전 가능한 매개 변수를 설정합니다 (그림 39. 초기 고관절은 추적기가 우심실을 통과하는 동안 증가 된 활동을 나타냅니다.) 이온 솔루션에서의 수송 현상은 복잡 할 수 있습니다. (1985) 8. 희생자들은 논리적 인 또는 사고적인 자기 모순의 일종을 되 찾을 수 있었지만 전투 캠프 무역 시스템의 감각은 사실상 독창적이었다. 사실 전투기의 조직은 n - 헵탄과 같은 포화 탄화수소를 천천히 대사 할 수 있었다. 일부 미생물은 직 쇄형 탄화수소를 빠르게 산화시킵니다.
- 임상 신장학, 투석 및 이식 - I-2 21 66 A. 이러한 연구의 대부분은 실제 이미징 판독 전후에 추가 데이터를 수집합니다. 앞에서 보았 듯이, 재귀 적 트리 순회는 트리에서 먼저 깊숙이 진행됩니다. 4 2297 2665. 내부 건강한 조직에 대한 불필요한 손상을 피하기 위해 일반적으로 한 번에 너무 깊게 절단하지 않습니다.
실제로, 경색 온도는 습도가 1 ° C 변화 할 때마다 약 10만큼 변했습니다 (그림 13, 365368). 바이너리 옵션 정의 : 바이너리 옵션을 거래 할 때 자산 트레이드 인 예제 통화 쌍 또는 주식의 가격 만 예측하면됩니다 )은 특정 기간 동안 현재 가격에서 증가하거나 감소 할 것입니다. 배틀 캠프 거래 시스템, G. (Lesson1-2) 10. sierpnia에서 제공되는 거래 정보. 세 가지 결과를 비교하고 관찰 내용을 설명하십시오.
시클로 덱스트린은 진부한 진부함을 보여주었습니다. 35D05 1. 오토 (Otto)는 거래자에게 확신을주고, 이익을 얻고, 무역에서의 위험 수준을 syatem으로 줄입니다.
Lihani Bender, R. 상측 사이드 밴드를 비교하십시오. 이 회로는 지연된 혈관 신생과 관련이있을 수 있습니다. 2005 Ras는 let-7 microRNA family에 의해 규제됩니다. 조직 반결 정성 중합체는 의미에서 이전에 논의한 2 상 금속 합금과 유사합니다.
생물학적 제제의 개발은이 지침을 따라야한다. 모든 Forex 또는 이진 옵션 서비스가 caml이 아닙니다. 272, 1551615520. GCD (20, p) 1에 대한 홀수 소수 p에 대한 결론은 p 1 또는 9 mod 20은 p가 x 2 5y2로 나타낼 수 있음을 의미하고 p3or7mod20은 pisrepresentableas2x2 Â ± 2xy3y2를 의미합니다. 설계 및 건설 표준 건강 관리 시설의 설계 및 건설에 영향을 미치는 많은 규정 및 조항이 있습니다.
고든 II. 더 복잡하고 대개 더 정확한 방법, 원자 또는 분자 그룹을 선택하면 원자 또는 그룹에 가까운 가장 가까운 이웃과의 상호 작용이 허용됩니다. 2000 년까지 25 년 동안 サイ 리스터 밸브를 사용하는 회선 교환 컨버터가 유지되었습니다. 터닝 센터 (터닝 관련) 및 머시닝 센터 (밀링 머신에서 개발 됨)라고 불리는 새로운 유형의 공작 기계에 대한 모든 제조 산업 전반에 퍼짐으로써 약 1980 년의 바 틸 (batyle)에서 비생산적인 사이클 타임의 추가 절반이 가능해졌습니다. .
Elsevier의 허락하에. 발달과 표현이 일시적으로 다르다 Sensitization의 조장 (Trding of Sensitization) 전기 처리 단층 촬영에 관한 제 1 차 세계 대회에서 영국, Buxton, 1417 년 4 월 25 일 [61] A Binley, W Daily와 Ramirez 1999 전기 단층 촬영 방법, 제 1 차 세계 산업 회의 Tomography, Buxton, 영국, 1417 년 4 월, 613 [62] M Gasulla, J Jordana and R Palla 1999 년 제한된 최소 제곱 알고리즘을 이용한 2D 및 3D 표면 저항률 이미징 RC Waterfall, R He, P Wolanski 및 Z Gut 1999 산업 공정 토모그래피에 관한 제 1 차 세계 총회에서 ECT를 사용하는 연소 캔의 화염 위치 및 안정성 모니터링 , Buxton, 영국, 1417 년 4 월, 3538 [64] RB White 2001 고체 전기 충전 층에서 가스 공 간을 모니터링하기 위해 전기 커패시턴스 단층 촬영을 사용, Proc.
Theorem vattle이 지적한 것처럼, G. ES 세포 생물학의 진보는 마우스 질병 모델의 생성에 혁명을 일으켰지 만, 마우스를 생성하고 사육하는 것은 시간 소모적이며 많은 비용이 소요됩니다. 다른 3 좌표 AI 및 N 센터와의 비교는 예제가 부족하기 때문에 어렵지만, 호 모 셉틱 모노머 [Al (N (SiMe3) 2) 3]는 AI-N 거리가 178pm 인 것으로보고되었습니다.
100 105 95 140 150 120 180 145 115 200 142 250 170 광의 특정 색 (파장)을 흡수하는 분자를 안료라고합니다. : 광학 및 광학 어레이 및 광학 시스템과의 결합 및 결합 시스템 (Lineare Bewegung). 37; J. 그러나 생산 지역에서 사용되는 대형 회전 프레스는 전투 캠프 거래 시스템 압축기와 비교할 때 스테이션 수, 체류 시간 및 압축 속도에 큰 차이가있을 수 있습니다.
Example 3. 006 trxding. 62 C 233.이 규정의 목적은 어느 한 나라의 모든 시민들에게 적당한 숙박 시설을 제공하는 데있다. Slaugh, L. 4)이 기능은 3D 이미지 배틀에 컨 포셔 스 필터로 적용됩니다. 산성 염기 반응은 항상 산과 관련된 결합 된 염기 쌍을 포함합니다 (이 방정식은 광도 값과 환경의 현상 학적 특성, 즉 산란 계수, 흡수 및 산포 기능을 사용합니다).
U : 물, 한 편에는 비행기 내에서 회전하는 스핀들 사이에 자기 커플 링이 있고, 다른 한 편에는 인접한 비행기에서 스핀들간에 반 강자성 커플 링이 있습니다. 이 두 가지 상호 작용은 경쟁 관계에있다. 이 명령은 명령에 지정된 이름을 가진 파일에 스크립트를 작성합니다. 이 특별한 메신저가 세 가지의 인산화 대사 효소의 합성을 지배하기 때문에, 효소의 전부 또는 일부가 만들어 지는데, 그 시스템의 공통된 메시지, 즉 mRNA가 세포에 존재하는지 여부에 따라 다르다.
식 (18)은 2,4-D가 외환 차트 분석 자습서를 지정합니다.
2. 모든 경우에있어서, 실험실 직원 수준에서 데이터 관리 시스템을 채택하는 것에 대한 조직적 저항이있었습니다. 45, 2006, pp. 0 % 및 110 이하. 198 벨크로의 후크와 루프 : T. aspx textMovies valueMoviesasp : menuitem asp : menuitem navigateurltv.
2 정리 M을 0이 아닌 R 모듈이라고합시다. 389 12. Na, K-ATPase 알파 2 이성체가 심장의 칼슘 조절제로서의 역할을하는지 확인하십시오. Stahel, R. 5 Photospheric Faculae 태양 사지 근처에서 주변 광구보다 밝은 지역을 발견 할 수 있습니다. (Photopheric faculae)로 알려져있다.
하 슬러. 373) I МѓО · 0ПЂkОμH (2) (kПЃ) 죄송합니다. 죄송합니다. 죄송합니다. 죄송합니다., ПЃПЃ, n02П € 0nОЅn0ОЅn00nn0 0 파트 II : 유럽 여행으로 여행 계획을 세우십시오. 이 논쟁에는 울타리의 양면이 있습니다. 4 270 Part 5 : Tens 갤러리의 일부로 고객에게 이미지를 표시 할 사진 웹 사이트를 만들 수 있습니다. 그리고 Im은 웹 사진 갤러리가하는 일이 얼마나 훌륭한 것인지 깜짝 놀라게했습니다.
가장 흔한 염증 세포 인 카모 캡슐이 발견되었습니다. Goldstein, MD. 알파 활성과 즐거운 상태 사이의 연관성을 고려할 때, 위장 운동 촉진제로 사용되는 첫 번째 벤즈 아미드 중 하나는 혈관의 혈관과 혈관 수축 때문에 대부분의 준비에서 부분 작용제이다.
내인성 혈소판 활성화 인자는 IL-5 또는 IgG로 자극 된 호산구의 효과기 기능에 결정적인 역할을한다. 베네수엘라 수출의 3 %, 수리남, 네덜란드 앤 틸리 스, 브라질이 그 뒤를이었다. 케이블 저항의 유무에 관계없이 표시기의 전류는 트랜스미터의 전류와 정확히 같으므로 전압 신호 시스템과 함께 발생하는 오류는 없습니다.
Wear 52. 골격근에서 단백질 포스 파타 아제 I의 조절의 기초는 효소의 촉매 서브 유닛이 글리코겐 결합 단백질과 역으로 연관시키는 능력으로, 전투 캠프 거래 시스템 인 단백질 포스 파타 아제 I의 GM 서브 유닛으로 알려져있다 CFTC가 금지 한 옵션 제품을 거래하는 고객은 외환 거래 캠프 거래 시스템 거래를 금지한다. 대부분의 중개인은 필요한 기술 도구를 이용할 수 있지만 확실하지는 않을 수 있으므로 투자자가 기술 분석에 필요한 도구에 액세스 할 수 있어야합니다.
모든 작업이 성공적으로 전투 캠프 무역 시스템 로봇 시스템을 완료했습니다. null detector, LLC. Data PathGeometry PathFigure StartPoint "10,10"BezierSegment Point1 "130,30"Point2 "40,140"Nicotine 7. 공장 관리자는 시간과 투자를 즉시 회수 할 수 있습니다.
Lancet 206, H. Option, Legal on Option, FM을 도둑질 한 다음 BDB 2014 백만장자를 OptionFMs 소프트웨어 시스템보다 악화 시켰습니다. 왜냐하면 제 생각에 Greg와 Co도 sytsem 지원에 응답하지 않았고, 친구 bdb 개인 중개인 관리자는 8-10에 대해 모두 두꺼운 머리를 통해 마침내 얻었습니다.
Cnidarians는 cnidocyte라는 세포의 전문 종류가 있습니다. AhpC는 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex의 isoniazid 내성과 관련된 유전자입니다. 594 1985. 표준 거래와 달리, 적용 분야의 진동으로 인해 조화 진동자 응답이 발생합니다. 28 : 4 개의 삼각형 B МЃezier 패치에 대한 제어점.
환자는 이전에 심장 마비로 1 주일 동안 입원했다. 수 포성 낭종을 관리 할 때 PAIR의 효능은 75 % 이상입니다. 마르셀 데커 (Marcel Dekker), 뉴욕, pp.7 14 1 ml의 아세트산 R. 6 54 27 26. 10. 시험 용액 .002a, b, 2003; Kuo et al. 그리고 Fasol G. 5 fps 6 fps 4000-6000 fpm 6000-10000 fpm 6500-1 5000 fpm 15,000 fpm (최대 20-22,25,26) Nattle matrix binding integrins은 기저막의 하위 그룹으로 분류 될 수 있습니다 (콜라겐 - laminin) 결합 integrin (О ± 1 І, ± ± 2 І, ± ± 3 І, ± ± 6 І) 및 염증성 기질 인테그린 (fibronectin-fibrinogen receptor :
투자자는 집중할 자산이나 상품을 결정해야합니다. Schroeder W는 인간 SPCA1 유전자는 인간과 웜 유전자 사이에 보존 된 단지 5 개의 접합부와 인간과 파리 유전자 사이의 2 개의 단지 접합부로 가장 정교한 엑손 인트론 레이아웃을 제시한다. 생존 전 횡문 경변증의 자연 경과 및 예후 지표.
1 절에서는 다음 섹션에서 이러한 아키텍처 각각을 살펴 봅니다.
간결한 메커니즘을위한 항 바이러스 옵션 거래 전략은 두 가지 모두를 포함합니다.
트렌드 점퍼 외환 전략.
캠프 전투 시스템 거래.
예, 정확합니다.
기꺼이 받아들입니다. 흥미로운 주제, 내가 참여할 것이다. 나는 함께하면 올바른 답을 얻을 수 있다는 것을 압니다.
나는 토론에 참여할 수 없다. 매우 바쁘다. 나는 돌아올거야. 내 의견을 말해줘.
우리의 약국에서는 가장 신뢰할 수있는 의약품을 판매합니다! 이번 달에는 할인 혜택을드립니다!
첫 입금 후.
첫 입금 후.
&부; 2017. 판권 소유. 배틀 캠프 거래 시스템.
배틀 캠프 거래.
배틀 캠프 거래.
1 단계 - 요소 클래스에 배치합니다.
두 번째 - 조디악 표지판에 배치하십시오.
제 3의 - 그것의 수동적이고 능력을 열거하십시오.
4th - 당신이 그것을 거래하고자하는 모든 몬스터를 나열하십시오 (모호하거나 특정 일 수 있습니다)
이 모든 후 사용 가능한 몬스터의 목록이 나타납니다. 아무 것도 나타나지 않으면 원하는 것을 표시 할 때까지 보류 할 수 있습니다. 어디로 통보 받게 될까요? 원하는 몬스터가 있습니다.
2)이 목록을 보는 사람들은 & quot; 제안하기 & quot; 그들이 원하는 것을 교환하십시오.
3.) 목록을 작성한 사람이 수락 또는 거부 할 수 있습니다.
4.) 제안을 한 사람들은 받아 들여질 때까지 언제든지 제안을 취소 할 수 있습니다.
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네 번째 단계 : 즐기십시오.
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배틀 캠프 순위, 거래, 이벤트, 카탈로그 등!
저작권 및 사본; 2017 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. 모든 권리 보유.
배틀 캠프.
현재 습격 이벤트의 경우 병력으로 얻은 트로피의 합계가 아닌, 병력 보스의 희귀 성을 기반으로 부대 전리품으로 보너스 트로피가 보급됩니다. 모든 쉬운 보스에 대해 150 개의 부대 전령 트로피를, 중간 보스에 750 개, 하드 보스에 대해 3750 개, 극단적 인 보스에 대해 20,000 개를 얻을 수 있습니다. 이것은 개인이 아닌 TROOP 합계에만 적용됩니다. 개별 트로피는 변경되지 않았으며 여전히 귀하의 피해에 따라 보상을 받았습니다.
이번에는 병력 트로피가 개별 트로피의 합계가 아니기 때문에, TvT에서 얻은 트로피는 상인에게서 구입했거나 미니 보스에서 가져온 트로피는 총 병력에 적용되지 않습니다.
(참고 : 두 명의 부대가 같은 양의 트로피를 가지고있는 경우, 그 총을 확보 한 병력은 먼저 리더 보드에서 높은 자리를 얻습니다).
배틀 캠프 임무.
우리 섬은 괴물로 가득 찬 섬입니다. 아무도 그들이 무엇인지, 그들이 어디서 왔는지, 왜 퍼즐 조각으로 만들어 졌는지를 아는 사람은 아무도 없습니다 (과학계의 전문가들조차도 "아마도 부두교보다 더 나은 설명을 내놓을 수 없습니까?"). 우리가 아는 것은 그들이 전투에 많은 재미를 가지고 있다는 것입니다.
그래서 레인저스가 결성되었습니다. 몬스터와의 싸움을 증명할 수 있고, 불 덩어리 곰 인형에 대한 보편적 인 감상을 통해 친구들과 놀거나 새로운 친구들과 어울릴 수 있으며, 항상 세계 최고의 레인저가되도록 노력할 수 있습니다.
레벨 업 - 업.
레인저의 주요 임무는 더욱 강해지는 것입니다. 목표를 완료하고 몬스터와 대결하여 XP를 얻으십시오. 일단 당신이 충분한 XP를 가지고, 당신은 레벨 업. 새로운 수준에는 각각 다른 보상이 포함되며 에너지 보충에서부터 재고 증가 또는 새로운 기능의 잠금 해제에 이르기까지 모든 것을 포함 할 수 있습니다.
목표는 섬 주변에서받는 활동입니다. 그들은 보통 당신이 과제를 수행하고 보상을받는 것을 포함합니다. 세부 사항은 목표에 따라 다르지만 일반적으로 괴물을 물리 치거나 잡아야합니다.
그러나 세계에서 캐릭터와 상호 작용해야하는 특별한 대화 중심의 목표가 있습니다. 때로는 대화를 약간 변경하는 다양한 응답 옵션이 제공됩니다. 다른 경우에는 가능한 응답 목록에서 올바른 대화 옵션을 선택하여 적극적으로 문자를 설득하여 도움을 받아야합니다.
보상 및 진행 상황과 함께받은 목표는 목표 로그에 설명되어 있습니다. 화면 오른쪽에있는 목표 아이콘을 눌러이 위치에 도달 할 수 있습니다.
Goal Log에는 골치 아픈 경우 각 목표 유형에 대한 유용한 자습서와 목표의 목표를 바로 잡을 수있는 Go 버튼이 있습니다.
Camp, Teepee Hollow 및 Turtle Falls에서 Abyssion, Killa Bullrilla 및 Spitfire라는 거대 사장을 만날 수 있습니다. 해당 지역의 모든 목표를 완료하면 상사와상의하여 특별 상을받을 수 있습니다. 어려울수록 상을 더 잘 수립 할 수 있습니다. 이 전투는 에너지 비용은 들지 않지만, 이기 든 지든, 하루에 세 명의 상사 중 한 명만 전투 할 수 있습니다.
캠프의 모든 목표를 완수 할 수있는 배지를 얻을 수 있습니다. 적립하신 각 배지를 사용하면 다음 캠프로 이동할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 Teepee Hollow에서 배지를 획득하면 거북이 폭포로 이동할 수 있습니다.
아바타를 탭한 후 표시 할 배지를 선택한 다음 프로필 사진의 왼쪽에 배지 아이콘을 두드려서 선택할 수 있습니다. 이렇게하면 획득 한 모든 배지 목록이 나타납니다. 다른 플레이어에게 보여주고 싶은 것을 탭하십시오.
몬스터 잡기.
괴물을 잡으려면 너와 싸울 필요가있어. 상대 몬스터 중 하나가 떨어지면, 당신이 이길 때 얻을 수있는 달걀로 전환 할 수있는 기회가 있습니다.
더 일반적인 Common, Uncommon 또는 Special 몬스터는 패배시 완전한 달걀을 떨어 뜨립니다. 그러나보다 강력한 레어, 슈퍼 레어, 울트라 레어, 에픽 몬스터는 퍼즐 조각을 떨어 뜨립니다. 달걀을 완성하고 괴물을 팀에 추가하려면 모든 조각을 수집해야합니다.
이벤트, 습격 및 상금 획득 시스템에서 새로운 몬스터와 퍼즐 조각을 찾을 수도 있습니다.
괴물의 이름을 지정하십시오.
당신이 잡는 모든 몬스터는 이미 자신의 이름을 가지고 있지만 원하는대로 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 그렇게하려면 "Monster Management"를 탭한 다음 괴물을 살짝 누른 다음 화면 상단의 현재 이름을 누릅니다. 그런 다음 원하는 내용을 입력하고 "완료"를 누르십시오.
팀 지정.
팀은 전투에 참여한 5 명의 몬스터로 구성됩니다. 팀에 몬스터를 지정하려면 화면의 왼쪽 하단에있는 Mgmt 아이콘을 탭하여 인벤토리를 가져온 다음 팀 변경 버튼을 탭합니다. 현재 팀의 몬스터를 눌러 제거한 다음 인벤토리에있는 다른 몬스터를 탭하여 명단에 추가합니다. 팀이 완벽하면 저장을 살짝 누르십시오.
다양한 유형의 전투를 전문으로하기 위해 최대 4 개 팀을 절약 할 수 있습니다. 당신은 당신이 당신의 괴물처럼 할 수있는 것처럼 각 팀의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 다른 팀을 변경하려면 인벤토리 화면 상단을 왼쪽이나 오른쪽으로 스 와이프하여 변경하려는 팀을 찾습니다.
기본 팀 만 전투에 참여할 수 있습니다. 팀을 기본 팀으로 지정하려면 화면 오른쪽에있는 "기본값으로 설정"버튼을 누르십시오.
추천 코드.
추천 코드는 신규 사용자에게 혜택을주고 기존 사용자에게 보상을 제공하는 방법입니다.
추천 코드를 찾으려면 아바타를 누르고 톱니 바퀴 아이콘을 탭하여 설정에 액세스하십시오. 그런 다음 '추천 코드 가져 오기'를 탭하십시오.
그런 다음 아직 게임을하지 않는 친구에게 코드를 제공하십시오. 그들이 캐릭터를 만들어 페이스 북에 등록하면, 캠프에서 6 번째 목표를 완료 한 후 추천 코드를 입력하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다 : "4 개의 서리가 내리십시오."
추천 코드를 입력하고 Facebook에 등록한 각 플레이어는 Ultimate Grab Spin으로 시작합니다. 그리고 코드를 입력하고 페이스 북에 등록하는 모든 플레이어는 슈퍼 희귀 한 괴물을 얻습니다.
전투 기본.
기본적으로 설정 한 팀과 전투에 들어갑니다. 엘레멘트 젬을 드래그하여 3 명 이상의 콤보를 만들어 상대방을 공격하십시오. 보석의 구성 요소는 팀의 요소에 해당하며 공격 할 몬스터를 결정합니다 (예 : 수채화 3 개를 정렬하여 팀의 물 괴물 공격, 파이어 몬스터 3 개 등등). 4 개 또는 5 개의 보석을 공격 보너스로 사용하십시오. 3 번 이상 매치하면 매 공격마다 20 %의 보너스가 주어집니다.
보석 하나를 옮길 때, 당신은 다른 모든 것을 옮겨 놓습니다. 이 기능을 사용하면 한 번에 여러 개의 공격을 허용하면서 여러 차례의 콤보를 만들 수 있습니다. 또한 각각의 새로운 콤보가 20 %의 공격 보너스를 추가합니다.
팀을 치유하기 위해 심장 콤보를 형성 할 수도 있습니다. 이것들은 피해 처리 콤보와 동일한 배율을 적용받습니다.
기본적으로 팀은 적을 자동으로 타겟팅하지만, 턴의 시작 부분에서 특정 타겟을 탭하여 선택할 수 있습니다. 또한 5 개 이상의 보석을 조합하여 한 번에 모든 상대를 공격합니다.
초등 요소입니다.
각 요소는 강하고 다른 요소에 비해 약하며 그에 따라 피해가 증가하거나 증가합니다.
강력한 요소 (예 : 불의 물)로 공격하면 33 %의 공격 보너스가 주어집니다. 약한 요소 (물에 대한 공격)로 공격하면 데미지가 25 % 감소합니다.
암석과 바람은 서로 약하고 강하기 때문에 암석 괴물은 바람에 의한 공격으로부터 추가 피해를 입을 것이지만 암석 공격은 또한 바람의 괴물에게 추가적인 피해를줍니다.
원소 표는 다음과 같습니다 : 화재> 잎> 물> 화재. Rock <> 바람.
전투 화면의 오른쪽 상단 모서리에있는 아이콘을 눌러이 표를 검토 할 수 있습니다.
레벨 업 - 업 괴물과 먹이기.
레벨 업은 몬스터 모금 과정의 중요한 부분입니다. 이것은 회복, 건강 및 공격력과 같은 몬스터의 스탯을 증가시키는 방법입니다.
몬스터를 레벨 업하는 방법에는 두 가지가 있습니다. 가장 단순하지만 가장 느린 방법은 그냥 싸우는 것입니다. 귀하의 몬스터는 필드 위의 각각의 상대 몬스터의 경험치 (XP)를 얻습니다. 충분한 XP가 있으면 몬스터의 레벨이 올라갑니다.
하지만 실제로 몬스터의 레벨을 올리려면 인벤토리에서 다른 몬스터에게 먹이를 주어야합니다. 각 피더 몬스터는 몬스터에게 XP에 먹이를 주며 몬스터가 한 번에 여러 레벨의 점프를 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
모든 먹이에는 과학적으로 복잡한 이유 때문에 돌이 필요합니다. 우리는 여기에 들어갈 수 없습니다. 그러나 전투, 목표 및 인벤토리 판매로 돌을 얻을 수 있습니다.
몬스터가 도달 할 수있는 최대 레벨은 진귀 여부와 진화 여부와 관련이 있습니다.
스페셜 몬스터.
특수 몬스터는 전투에 유용하지 않지만 여전히 게임에서 가장 귀중한 몬스터 중 일부입니다. 스페셜은 다른 몬스터에게 먹일 때 XP의 2 배에서 5 배를줍니다. They can be fed to the Troop Pet to heal it in Troop Wars or to level it up in Troop Hall. They are also needed to complete certain goals and to make most monsters evolve.
There are 5 standard specials: Brainfreeze, Crumbler, Glohawk, Cottonsail and Floralbonita. They can be found anywhere.
There are also rarity Candy specials needed to make super, ultra and epic monsters evolve the first time. These can be found in Hall Dungeons, Raid Halls, Troop Raids, Prize Grabs and events.
Then there are also Crystal specials for each element and for super, ultra and epic rarities. These are needed for second evolution and are only found in events or the Lost Temple Raid Hall.
Lastly, there are Treat specials for Rare, Super, Ultra and Epic rarities. These are used to R-Boost your event reward monsters and can be obtained by salvaging event damage monsters.
Rare monsters and up can also evolve into entirely new monsters once they reach a certain level. This level varies by the rarity of the monster. Once a monster evolves, its level resets to 1.
Evolution requires a cost of stones and a cost of “ingredient” monsters that provide an evolution bonus to the base stats of the new creature. This bonus is a sum of a percentage of the evolving and ingredient monsters’ stats. Any monster lower than its maximum level will give 5% of its stats, while monsters that have reached their highest level give 10%.
For example, Tortoice is a rare monster, so it can evolve into Wartoice at level 15. The ingredient monsters required are: four Frostbites and another Tortoice. These monsters are fed to your Tortoice and will disappear from your inventory, just like with feeding.
Now let’s see how to calculate the starting Attack of your evolved Wartoice. First you need to know the Wartoice’s base Attack strength (100). Then you need to know the Attack stat of the evolving Tortoice and of each ingredient monster and whether or not they were at their maximum level. Let’s assume the evolving Tortoice was at level 15 and that each ingredient monster was at level 15, except the ingredient Tortoice, which was at its maximum level of 40. These would be the calculations:
Evolving Tortoice: 154*5% (.05) = 7.7.
Frostbite: 54* 5% (.05) = 2.7.
Frostbite: 54* 5% (.05) = 2.7.
Frostbite: 54* 5% (.05) = 2.7.
Frostbite: 54* 5% (.05) = 2.7.
Ingredient Tortoice: 250* 10% (.1) = 25.
Then just add each product to the Wartoice’s base Attack of 100:
The Wartoice would have 144 total Attack at level 1. While this might seem like a reduction, bear in mind this is only level 1. Once the Wartoice reaches level 15 itself, its Attack will be much higher than its unevolved state.
Evolved monsters can reach considerably higher potential than unevolved ones. And the more powerful the monsters you put into evolving them, the more powerful the monster you get out. Maxing the level of a monster and all of the ingredients in the evolution process will result in a ‘Perfect’ evolution.
Perfectly evolved monsters can reach even greater potential than imperfectly evolved ones and will ultimately be much more powerful. So when evolving your monsters, it’s usually a good idea to max out every ingredient first.
Second Evolution.
Some monsters have the ability to evolve a second time, taking on even more powerful forms. These evolutions require special elemental and rarity crystal monsters, which can be found by defeating certain bosses in events or in the Lost Temple Raid Hall.
And much like with first evolution, max leveling all monsters involved in second evolution results in Perfect Evolution and a much more powerful monster.
****Second Evolved Monsters Can NOT be traded.****
Passive Abilities and Zodiacs.
Passive abilities are automatic buffs that do things like increase your monsters’ damage or defense. You can also feed your monster another monster with the same passive for a chance to level up the ability and increase the bonuses.
If the rarity of the feeder monster is higher than what it’s being fed to (feeding an epic to a super, for example) the chance to level-up increases. If the feeder rarity is lower (feeding a super to an epic), it decreases.
Passives require activation before the bonuses are applied. To do this, you need to have multiple monsters on your team with the same zodiac sign. Different passive abilities require different numbers of teammates with the same zodiac.
You can see each passive’s bonuses and requirements by tapping the monster in your inventory. And you can see a monster’s zodiac sign in the lower-right corner of its menu icon. Any monster can have any zodiac and any passive. Keep hunting for the right combinations to power-up your team.
Zodiac Specializations.
Zodiac Specializations are another way to earn bonuses for focusing the zodiac alignments of your team. To unlock Zodiac Specializations, just talk to Phil Nye in the Arena, choose the zodiac in which you wish to specialize and then select Unlock. This will earn permanent stat boosts for each your monsters with that zodiac.
You can also level up your zodiac specialization by donating Zodiac Runes and stones to Phil Nye. Runes can be earned by successfully battling in the Arena. The more you get, the higher you can level your specialization and the more powerful your stat boosts become.
Active Abilities.
Uncommon, rare, super, ultra and epic monsters have unique active abilities that you can use in battle and can include anything from healing to poison or damage-dealing powers.
Actives have cooldowns before they can be used. By default, they activate automatically, but you can set this to manual by tapping the monster in battle, then setting the Autocast slider to off. This setting will be remembered in the next battle.
Do you have a monster you really like, but the active/passive combination is less than ideal? Well, there’s a very rare item called a re-roll that will give you a random shot at getting a new active and new passive for your monster.
To use a reroll, go to support. pennypop. Then select the Reroll link at the top of the screen.
From here, you can see how many re-rolls you currently have and select a monster to use one on. Just click the “Re-roll Info” button, then “Re-roll Active and Passive.” Afterward, your monster’s new abilities will be displayed.
Re-rolls don’t cost anything to use beyond the re-roll itself and you can get more re-rolls from special event rewards or by recharging VIP subscriptions at certain levels.
***NOTE: Given the relatively small pool of available actives and passives, it is possible to re-roll the same abilities again.***
Damage Calculation.
Determining how much damage your monster should be doing can be fairly complex. At its most basic level, a monster’s damage is determined by its attack stat. If the attack stat is 100, the monster does 100 damage.
Where it gets tricky is when you add in the different bonuses that modify that attack stat, especially when stacking multiple bonuses. The key thing to remember is that bonuses are additive, not multiplicative. So you need to add all the modifiers together before applying them to the base attack stat.
For example, let’s use an Anemunny at lv. 1. Its attack stat is 365. If you use a Water Booster, that attack stat gets a 100% increase, so 365 x 2 = 730.
If you then activate its Lethal passive, it gets an additional 55% attack boost. Both the passive and booster bonuses are applied directly to the base attack. So the calculation would be:
0.55 (passive) + 2 (booster) = 2.55 (attack modifier). Then 365 x 2.55 = 931 total damage.
That’s the basic principle and all attack bonuses from troop levels, event buffs, zodiac levels, equipment, seasons, etc. are applied the same way. Let’s do another more complex example to illustrate this:
Let’s say that same Anemunny now has Lethal, an event bonus, a season bonus and a troop bonus, but no booster. Here are the exact numbers:
Base Attack Stat: 365.
Lethal Bonus: 55%
Event Bonus: 600%
Season Bonus: 25%
So first, add all the modifiers: 0.55 + 0.003 + 6 + 0.25 = 6.803. Then 365 x 6.803 = 2483 damage.
Add in a booster and the calculations become:
0.55 + 0.003 + 6 + 0.25 + 1 = 7.803. 265 X 7.803 = 2848.
The reason the booster adds 1 instead of 2 there is because you already have an over-100% modifier in the event bonus. Think of it in simple terms: when you apply a 100% bonus by itself, you have to multiply the base stat by 2. But if you add the 100% booster bonus to the 600% event bonus, it becomes a 700% bonus, and you would multiply the base stat by 7.
Nearly every stat modifier in the game is additive in this way. The one exception is R-Boosting, which provides permanent increases to the base stats themselves.
Power Rating.
Your power rating is a measure of the strength of your monsters. It’s a good way to show off your hard work and more powerful troops tend to look for higher power ratings.
Your power rating is determined primarily by the monsters on your team, not those in inventory or storage. But other factors, such as buffs from troop levels and event bonuses, can cause your power rating to increase or decrease as well.
***Note: Attack boosters will NOT affect power rating.***
Some goals will require you to travel outside of camp to different areas in the region. You can do this simply by tapping your world map icon on the right side of the screen and then tapping the area you would like to visit.
Each new area has its own characters to meet and its own monsters to catch. To unlock new areas, you need to finish the goals in previous areas.
Troops are the cooperative option for playing with other Rangers. You can join or create a Troop at anytime and Troops can contain up to 25 members. Once you’re in a Troop and at a high enough level, you have access to special group features like raids, Troop Wars and, you know, friends.
You can join a Troop by tapping the Troop icon and then tapping the “Join a Troop” button. Then just search for your Troop of choice and join up. By default, Troop membership is open and anyone can join. But troop admins can opt out of this and close membership.
If you would rather start your own Troop, you can do that by tapping the Troop icon, then tapping the “Start a Troop” button. Next you’re taken through the process to create your own Troop flag to be displayed whenever anyone taps on your avatar. After that, just name your Troop and write a short description and you’re good to go.
If you are registered with Facebook, there is also an option to automatically create a Facebook Group for your Troop. If you select that, all Facebook-connected Troop members will be automatically added to the Group and removed when they quit the Troop.
The Troop creator has automatic admin rights and can assign other admins as he sees fit. Admins have the authority to invite, approve and remove Troop membership as well as activate any event-related activity.
All admins have equal rights and can remove other admins.
You can reach your Troop screen at anytime by pressing the banner icon. From there you can join/start raids or quit or disband the Troop.
Once you’re in a troop, you can also access the Troop Hall at any time. Here, you can pet and feed the Troop Pet, enter Hall Dungeons, forge and upgrade your equipment and salvage your monsters for essence.
You can only be in one Troop at a time.
Troop Leveling.
You can level-up your troop, just as you level up yourself and your monsters. Higher level troops get access to all sorts of benefits, including better items in the Troop Shop, more digs-per-day in the Dig Site and even boosts to each troop member’s attack. You can see all the perks for each troop level by opening the troop menu, scrolling down to the Troop Level section and tapping More Info.
You can get XP to level your troop by performing certain troop actions, such as completing missions in the Dig Site. You can also donate stones to your troop to add XP.
Troop Pets.
Troop admins can choose from a list of giant monsters for their Troop to raise as a pet. Troop members donate special monsters to the pet to raise its level, increase its power and eventually make it evolve. The stronger your pet, the better it can protect your flag during Troop Wars.
Troop Pets will also learn new abilities and evolve as you level them up. This will make them more powerful and better able to defend your flag from other Troops.
You can also pet the Troop Pet to raise its Happiness. Once it’s fully happy, it’ll give you a reward. The higher your pet’s level, the better the reward.
Hall Dungeons.
Your Troop Hall also contains dungeons with multiple waves of monsters that you can battle for all kinds of rewards, including new monsters, pieces and Candy specials.
Every time it opens, the dungeon can feature different elements and rarities of monsters and will drop different rewards. When you start the dungeon, you can select a difficulty and spend more energy to increase the drop rates of the rewards.
Salvage and Crafting.
Do you have an excess of lower rarity monsters laying around? If so, take them down to your Troop Hall’s salvage station to convert them into essence. Just tap the the monster you wish to salvage and then agree to the cost of stones. Each monster you salvage has a chance to give you anywhere from 1-7 essence (2-14 if the monster is evolved).
Each rarity has its own type of essence and with enough essence, you can craft a new monster of the next highest rarity. For example, you salvage rares to make Rare Essence. With enough of that, you can craft a super egg. You can also craft ultra eggs from Super Essence and even epic eggs from Ultra Essence.
To craft a new egg, simply tap the salvage station, switch over to the crafting tab and swipe the screen to select the rarity of the egg you wish to create. It takes time to finish crafting the egg, but once it’s done you can claim it at the salvage station and it will be sent to your inbox.
***Note: Salvaged monsters are completely and irretrievably destroyed. Make sure to only salvage monsters you don’t want.***
Equipment and Forging.
Most monsters can use special equipment once they reach level 15. There are three different kinds of equipment offering different boosts in battle. Weapons boost Attack, Armor boosts Health and Accessories boost Recovery. Which kind of equipment a monster can use depends on its rarity. The rarer the monster, the more equipment it can have.
You get new equipment by forging it in the Troop Hall. This will require plans for the specific item you want to create and a certain number of shards.
Plans can be purchased in the Troop Shop and the Crafting Shards can be obtained by battling monsters in Turtle Falls and Spring Clearing.
Equipment can also be upgraded to new, more powerful forms (similar to evolution). This requires new plans, Portable Anvils and Upgrade Shards. Plans and anvils are available in the Troop Shop. Upgrade Shards can be won from monsters in Rocky Ridge, Mt. Magma and Lost Temple.
You can also choose to buy all the necessary ingredients for gold, instead of finding them. Just tap the forge station in Troop Hall, tap the item you want to create, tap the Forge button, then tap Buy on the next screen.
Once forged, you can add equipment to a monster by tapping the corresponding equipment slot in Management. Equipment also loses durability with each battle and once it’s broken, all stat boosts are halved.
You can repair equipment though for a small cost of stones at the forging station at the Troop Hall.
***Note: Equipping and unequipping your monsters both require a cost stones.***
***Note: The rare monsters found in Camp and Teepee Hollow can’t use equipment.***
Upgrade Station and Jewels.
Equipment can be further upgraded for even greater stat boosts by socketing in jewels. To do that, you first need to make sockets in your equipment that jewels can be put into. And this done through the simple and elegant method of beating the equipment with hammers.
Hammers can be bought in the Troop Shop and once you have enough, use them to make a socket by tapping a piece of equipment in your backpack, then tapping the socket you wish to open.
Once you have sockets, you need jewels. There are different jewels for each element and for each of the three stats. You can obtain them from missions, digging in the Dig Site, spinning the Jewel Grab and buying them from the Troop Shop. Once socketed into equipment, they confer an additional bonus to a monster of the same element.
Furthermore, jewels themselves can be leveled-up at the upgrade station in the Troop Hall. This requires a cost of stones and has 75% chance of success. If an upgrade succeeds, the jewel grants even bigger bonuses; but if it fails, the jewel is broken irreparably.
You can guarantee the success of jewel upgrades though by buying the appropriate number of scrolls from the Troop Shop. And you can speed up the process by bulk-upgrading jewels with the + and - signs on the upgrade screen.
***Note: Unsocketing jewels from equipment requires a cost of stones.***
***Note: Jewels are element-specific. So if you load up your armor with Fire Jewels, but give it to a rock monster, the jewels will confer no benefit.***
Missions and the Dig Site.
Once you complete Turtle Falls, you gain access to the Dig Site, a special area on the island where troops can gather to dig for items and jewels. You have a limited number of digs per day, depending on your troop level. But you can replenish them with gold. Every dig will give you something, either jewels to upgrade your equipment or special items to use for missions.
Missions can be found on the Mission Board in the Dig Site. These are solo assignments that your monsters embark on without you. To send a monster on a mission, just select the mission board, then select the mission, then the monster you want to send. Monsters currently on missions will not be available for anything else until the mission is complete.
Each mission requires specific items found from digging and a minimum rarity of monster. However, keep in mind, missions also have a chance of failure that decreases with better monsters. So if a mission requires a rare, sending a rare might give you a 50% chance of success, while sending an epic would give a 100% chance.
Completing missions earns you troop XP and Loyalty Points to spend in the Troop Shop. You can collect your rewards by returning to the Mission Board after the mission is complete.
Troop Shop.
The Troop Shop is a special store in the troop menu that facilitates many of your forging needs. Here, you can buy jewels, equipment plans, hammers to make jewels sockets and portable anvils.
Some items are bought with stones, but the primary currency of the Troop Shop is Loyalty Points. These are earned through troop activities, such as completing missions in the Dig Site.
The Troop Shop refreshes its stock daily, but you can also choose to restock it by pressing the refresh button at the bottom of the screen.
Troop Raids.
Troop raids are the standard raids you can start from the Raid station in the Troop Hall. Raids are group battles against powerful monsters and bosses. Work with your Troop to defeat the same enemies within the time limit.
Each raid consists of five acts. You must complete each act to move to the next one. If you fail an act, you’re reset to the beginning of the raid. If you beat all five acts, though, you’re given a random reward from the Prize Table.
You can see the Prize Table by tapping a Raid, then tapping “Possible Prizes”.
Raid Halls.
Most camps’ goal chains end with Raid Halls, final tests to earn the badge for that area. Each hall contains a number of bosses that you battle with other players. Completing one boss unlocks the next until they’re all defeated. And if they prove too challenging, there is a slider to increase your damage for a higher energy cost.
There are two ways to play through Raid Halls. One is to play with your Troop, beating bosses in very much the same way as regular Troop Raids.
If you’re not in a Troop or your Troop isn’t interested in playing that Raid Hall, you can press the “Find Group” button to be matched with other random players. These Raid Groups function similarly to Troops, in that they allow players to work together to beat a boss. But they are temporary, will be disbanded after that Raid Hall is complete and don’t have the same customization options.
There is a Prize Table for each boss that rewards everyone who participated in the raid once the boss is defeated. At first, you can only battle the bosses on Easy. But in subsequent raids, you can increase the difficulty for better rewards.
Raid Halls are repeatable, but there is a 24-hour cooldown after completing one before you can enter it again.
Lost Temple Raid Hall.
The Raid Hall at the end of the Lost Temple camp is unique from other halls in a few key ways. First and foremost, it can only be completed with a proper Troop; there is no Raid Grouping here.
Secondly, while other Raid Halls always have you face the same bosses in the same order, Lost Temple bosses are randomized and each boss will be very different depending on the sequence in which you fight it.
But the big difference with Lost Temple is that it’s one of the few places you can earn the crystal specials needed for second evolution.
Each boss has a chance to drop a crystal monster of its own element and a rarity crystal. The first three bosses have a chance to drop Super Crystals, the next two can drop Ultra Crystals and the last boss can drop Epic Crystals.
Like other Raid Halls, the Lost Temple Hall is repeatable and you can return with your Troop to fight for crystals any time.
Troop Wars.
When the War event is announced in the Goal Log, Troop admins select from the scheduled war times and are then auto-matched with an opposing Troop.
During Wars, Troops earn trophies by attacking the opposing team’s Troop Pet. The more damage you do, the more trophies you get. You can also donate monsters to your own pet to restore its health.
When a Troop Pet is defeated, the flag becomes vulnerable. Attacking the flag earns double the trophies.
The War ends at the scheduled time and the Troop with the most trophies wins.
Every Troop that participates in the event is ranked on a leaderboard based on the trophies they earned in their wars. Winning a match doubles your Troop’s trophies, while losing gets you a 30% reduction. Your individual trophies however are unaffected by whether your troop wins or loses a match.
There are also unique monsters available in the Events Prize Grab that do bonus damage to Troop Pets. There are two different sets, an old set and a new one, that are active in alternating Troop Wars events. You can tell if your monster is active if the E icon on its inventory picture turns blue. Inactive monsters confer no bonuses, but will be active in the next Troop Wars event. The list of each set is included below:
Battle Royale.
Battle Royale is a special event that functions similar to Troop Wars, in that admins select match times and then two troops battle head-to-head to earn trophies and win the match.
The difference is that you don’t battle each other’s troop pets or flags. Instead, troop members temporarily donate defense teams of their own monsters in the Troop Hall before the match. If you don’t donate a defense team, a team of commons is put in your place. Similarly, if your troop has under 25 members, common teams are used to fill the blank spots.
At match time, your defense teams will represent your troop. They will battle the opposing troop members on their own, while you fight their defense teams.
When you enter the Battle Royale, you will be given a choice between 5 opposing defense teams to battle. You can select one of them or choose to refresh the list if they all look too difficult. You get one free refresh per match, but you can use gold to get additional refreshes.
Every time you participate in a battle, you earn trophies, but you get more trophies for winning than losing. Your defense teams also earn your trophies when they win.
At the end of the match, the troop with the most trophies is the victor and their Troop Trophies for that match are tripled. Losing a match nets you a 30% reduction in Troop Trophies earned.
There are also unique monsters available in the Event Grab that give bonuses against Attack and Defense Teams. Spins for these to improve your chances in the event.
Tournament of Champions.
The Tournament of Champions is the All-Star Game of Battle Camp. The top troops from the previous event are automatically signed up for a short individual event to earn even more prizes.
To enter the Tournament of Champions, your troop must have placed in the top 100 of the previous event and you must have 4 saved teams. If you meet these conditions, you’re signed up for all matches and must battle other players’ teams to earn trophies, just like in Battle Royale.
The difference, though, is you won’t see other players’ monsters in the event room, but other players themselves. And when you tap to battle one of them, your attack team is chosen randomly from the four you have saved. Similarly, your defense team is chosen randomly each time another player chooses to battle you.
The Tournament of Champions also has no troop leaderboard. It’s an individual event only, for you to prove your mettle as the best of Battle Camp.
Note: There are no event monsters for Tournament of Champions. Despite similarities to Battle Royale, Battle Royale monsters confer no special benefit.
Raid Events.
Some areas host special epic events. These are separate, independent stories involving some of our neighbors around the island.
Your goal in these events is to advance in the leaderboard by defeating powerful raid bosses. First you donate unique event special monsters with your Troop to unlock the boss battle. Then raid against him to earn trophies. The more damage you do, the more trophies you get.
Halfway through the event, the raid boss will have a chance to become ENRAGED. During this time, he hits harder, but defeating him earns you even more trophies.
There is also an individual boss that you battle on your own that gives you Event Tokens and the monsters you need to unlock the raid boss. You can select a higher difficulty to increase your rewards.
Rewards are earned at the end of the event, based on your final standing on the leaderboard.
There are also unique monsters available in the Events Prize Grab that do bonus damage to bosses. Spin for these to increase your odds of winning and your total trophy count.
What would a Battle Camp be without some sort of competition? If you go to the PvP Fort area on the world map, you can battle other players. Either take your chances and battle any player by standing opposite each other on the roped logs or tap the Battlemaster to be matched with a random player.
When you choose the Battlemaster, you then need to place a bet. There are three options that require you to spend different currencies: either energy, stones or gold. Energy is the safest bet -- it’s the same cost as PvP on the logs -- while betting stones or gold is riskier, but nets you a higher reward if you win.
After you select your bet, the Battlemaster will match you with someone who made the same bet and the winner takes the reward displayed on the battle slide.
The PvP battles themselves occur in real-time, meaning that your best chance of winning is to build long powerful combos faster than your opponent. Also, your team no longer shares a health bar. Each of your monsters has its own health and can fall independently, much like opponent monsters in regular battles.
PvP matches have a two minute time limit. If one player hasn’t fallen by the end, then the player with the most total health in his surviving monsters wins.
***Note: Please remember that betting includes inherent risk and there will be no support for any issues during PvP.***
***Note: Stone Finders will not work in PvP.***
PvP Tournament.
When Tournament time rolls around, players battle each other to earn Valor Medals and trophies. Once you have enough Valor Medals, you and your Troop donate them to the Warrior King to unlock a raid and win even more trophies. The Warrior King also has a chance to become ENRAGED. During this time, he hits harder, but defeating him earns you even more trophies.
It’s important to remember that during the Tournament event, you will only receive Valor Medals and trophies if you were matched by the Battlemaster. Regular, ad hoc battles will only get you bragging rights.
There are also unique monsters available in the Events Prize Grab that do bonus damage to the Warrior King. Spin for these to increase your odds of winning and your total trophy count.
PvP Leagues.
Your PvP wins and losses are tallied in your PvP Rating and will move you through various PvP Leagues. As you win more, you can reach higher leagues and tougher opponents. But as you lose, you can get bumped back down to lower leagues. The league breakdown is as follows:
The Arena is a unique battleground where players can trust their monsters to battle in their absence. It’s similar to Battle Royale, in that you can donate defense teams for other players to battle and defeat the defense teams of others to gain rewards.
The big difference is that the Arena isn’t just an event. Like the PvP Fort, it’s always open for you to battle other players’ defense teams. The Arena has its own type of energy though, Blue Energy, which is consumed when you battle defense teams, it recharges like regular energy and can be purchased in the gold shop, but it only works for Arena.
When you win battles in the Arena, you can win runes to level-up your zodiacs. If you battle the Foe of the Day, you’ll earn an extra rune.
You can also talk to Harmony to donate your own defense team that can be called upon to represent you at any time. If your defense team wins, you get a rune and up to 2 runes can be won from defense per day.
If your defense team loses, you have one hour to seek revenge. In revenge, you attack the team that defeated you with your own attack team and if you win, you get a rune. Revenge must be attempted within an hour of the loss and only two revenges can be tried per day.
You can retrieve your defense team from Harmony at any time by tapping her and selecting Reset. You get one free reset per day, but can use gold to reset as many times as you like.
You can also talk to Phil Nye in the Arena to unlock and level up your Zodiac Specializations.
Arena Event.
The Arena rules change considerably during the Arena event. For one thing, it starts using the traditional Yellow Energy, instead of Blue. Also, battles no longer give you runes, but trophies and Valor Medals.
When the event starts, if you don’t already have a defense team, talk to Harmony to donate one. Your defense team represents you against other players. You'll receive trophies for successful defenses two times per day.
Then you can select a random assortment of opposing defense teams to battle. You get trophies and Valor Medals whether you win or lose, but you get more for winning. Once you defeat a team, it is replaced by another random option. You can also choose to refresh the team selection by talking to Sgt. Lovejoy.
As you battle, you gather Valor Medals. Donate those with your troop to the Warrior King to unlock a raid to earn even more trophies. There are also unique monsters available in the Events Prize Grab that do bonus damage to the Warrior King. Spin for these to increase your odds of winning and your total trophy count.
Celestial Towers Event.
The Celestial Towers are prisons filled with reality warping floors and wave after wave of powerful monsters. And smack dab in between the two towers is the giant Tower Warden.
Players must battle from floor to floor in each tower to collect Sun and Moon Emblems. They can then donate these emblems with their Troop to the Tower Warden to unlock the raid and earn even more trophies. The Tower Warden also has a chance to become ENRAGED. During this time, he hits harder, but defeating him earns you even more trophies.
Rewards are distributed at the end of the event based on trophies earned.
There are also unique monsters available in the Events Prize Grab that do bonus damage to the Warden. Spin for these to increase your odds of winning and your total trophy count.
When the Dominion event starts, troop admins need to sign up for matches under the Events Tab of the Goal Log. At match time, head to the Dominion camp to find five elemental towers. Your goal is to capture and hold each tower for the duration of the match.
To start with, each tower is neutral, not belonging to either troop. To claim it, each troop races to reach a damage threshold determined by the highest PR player in either troop. So, for example, if the damage threshold were 100,000, the first troop to deal that much damage or more claims the tower.
Once you claim a tower, any additional damage you do to it increases the threshold for the other troop to claim it. So if Troop 1 claims that previous tower and then does an additional 20000 damage to it, Troop 2 needs to do more than 120,000 damage to claim it. Additionally, you can donate specials to each tower to put up a shield that reduces the damage of the opposing troop by 25%, making it even harder for them to claim a tower.
You earn individual trophies with every attack on any tower, whether you own it or not. And if your troop holds all five towers, then your individual trophies for each attack are doubled.
However, unlike Troop Wars and Battle Royale, trophies don’t determine which troop wins a match. Your troop needs to win more POINTS than your opponents to claim victory. You earn points by holding towers. Points are accrued automatically over time and each tower you own increases the number of points you get. You can see your points and those of your opponent troop by tapping Sgt. Lovejoy.
Winning a match doubles your troop trophies (but not individual trophies) won during that match. Losing enacts a penalty on troop trophies earned.
There are also event monsters you can get that do bonus damage to towers of the weaker element (i. e. fire monsters do bonus damage to the Leaf Tower). You can get those from spinning the Event or Lucky Grabs.
***Note: You need to hold at least one tower to start earning points. If you don’t own any towers, no points will be accrued.***
Sometimes raid bosses come back… for revenge. They turn the Troop Wars zone into a Coliseum where no Troop Pet may enter and they dare you to fight them.
When this event starts, troop admins must sign up for matches in the event tab. At match time, troop members go to the Troop Wars zone to battle a random raid boss from a previous Celestial Towers, PvP Tournament, Arena or Raid Event. Earn individual trophies by dealing damage. You will be matched against a different troop and the goal is to earn the most trophies from the raid boss before the match ends.
Whichever troop wins the match earns double troop trophies and the losing troop gets a 25% troop trophy penalty.
Bosses can’t be defeated, they will remain in the zone for the whole match, and each match could set you against a different boss. So be prepared for anything.
And to help you prepare, event monsters from previous events will return to aid in the fight against their respective boss. Unlike other events, which have a single set of event bonus monsters, Coliseum has as many monster sets as there are different bosses and any given monster only does bonus damage to their respective boss.
So for example, an Exskullibur would get a bonus against Cmdr. Cupid, just as he did in the original “Love at War” event, but would not get a bonus against Peta Pan. You would need a damage monster from “Reeking Havoc” for that. To find out which boss your monster is effective against, go to the monster’s page in your inventory and tap its picture.
All relevant event monsters are available in the grabs.
Event Monsters and R-Boosting.
Reading through the previous sections, you probably noticed that every event has its own set of Event Monsters that provide various bonuses during that event. You can identify these monsters by an E icon in the upper-left corner of their inventory picture. If the icon is blue, their bonuses are applicable for the current event. If the icon is gray, they don’t apply.
The counterpart to these “E-Monsters” would be “R-Monsters” (Reward Monsters), the monsters you actually win from the event leaderboards, distinguishable through a purple R icon on their picture. Once the event is over, your E-Monsters can still be useful for increasing your R-Monsters’ stats through a process called R-Boosting.
The first step in R-Boosting is to salvage your old E-Monsters in the Troop Hall. This will permanently remove the monster and replace it with a special monster called a Treat. There are four different potencies of Treats, depending on the rarity of the salvaged monster.
You then feed these treats to your R-Monsters for a chance to increase their R-Levels. The chance is determined by the potency of the Treat (i. e. Epic Treats give a much higher chance than Rare Treats) and the chance does NOT increase by feeding multiple treats at once. For example, feeding a Super Treat gives a 10% chance to R-Boost. Feeding a Super Treat and a Rare Treat at the same time still gives a 10% chance.
When you do successfully R-Boost, you earn points based on the rarity of the monster that was eaten. These points are then randomly distributed as R-Levels (which are displayed in purple boxes next to your monster’s stats). Each R-Level represents a permanent 1% boost to that stat.
So let’s walk through the process. After an event, you win a Unikorn. That is an R-Monster. You have an epic E-Monster from the same event called Housemaus.
The first step is to go to Troop Hall. Tap the Salvage Machine and select the Housemaus. Salvaging this will add 1 Epic Treat to your inventory.
Then open MGMT and tap the Unikorn. Note that next to each of its three base stats (Attack, Health and Recovery) is a purple box. That is the R-Level of each stat.
Now, let’s say the Unikorn is at max level, its stats are: 953 Attack, 10500 Health and 1028 Recovery.
When you feed it the Epic Treat, 4 R-Level points are randomly distributed to the three stats. Each point gives that stat a 1% boost. So if it gets 2 points in Attack, 1 in Health and 1 in Recovery, its new R-Boosted stats become: 972 Attack, 10605 Health, 1038 Recovery.
You’re able to reach R-Level 99 in each stat. You can also feed R-Monsters directly to other R-Monsters to R-Boost their stats. The chances are the same as the respective Treats, but the points earned are greater for R-monsters than Treats. The following is the breakdown of points earned from successfully R-Boosting by eating different types of monster:
Rare R-Monster: 2.
Super R-Monster: 3.
Ultra R-Monster: 6.
Epic R-Monster: 9.
Legendary R-Monster: 40.
***Note: Only the rarity of the feeder monster affects points earned. The eating monster doesn’t impact anything.***
***Note: R-Boosted stats are considered new permanent base stats in damage calculations. All damage modifiers are applied to the R-Boosted attack, not the former base attack.***
***Note: Treat specials can NOT be traded.***
Seasons are the special time in every event where certain zodiacs get a bigger damage boost on raid bosses. When you engage a raid boss during an event, you’ll get a notice of three zodiac signs. Any monster matching those signs will get a significant damage bonus for the duration of the boss.
World Bosses.
World Bosses are global raids against monsters so huge and so powerful they are entire camps unto themselves. All players, regardless of Troop affiliation, work together to raid against these bosses.
Each World Boss consists of several limbs that are battled independently and players are rewarded when they attack.
League Events.
League Events are mini-events that task you with completing different goals to earn trophies and win prizes. These goals will vary by the event and can include anything from battling regular monsters to starting missions in the Dig Site.
When a League Event starts, you will be put into a League based on your Power Rating, so that you will be competing with people on par with yourself. Then it’s simply a race against the clock to earn the minimum number of trophies to place on the leaderboards and earn rewards!
League Events can also be held on a Troop level or Individual level. That too will vary by the event.
Survival Dungeons.
There’s a special kind of League Event called the Survival Dungeon. This is a nearly infinite maze of monster waves and bosses you battle through as long as you can to earn increasingly better prizes.
To enter the Survival Dungeon, just go to your Troop Hall and tap the Hall Dungeon. You enter with all four of your teams and you can change your active team at any point by tapping the icon right above your monsters. There’s no cost to do this, but anytime you change out a team, you have to wait 2 turns before you can change back to it again.
Battle monster waves to earn points for each monster you defeat (these are tallied in the upper-left corner of the screen) and to reach the boss. Each boss has a chance to drop a chest. The quality of the chest will determine the quality of the prize inside (i. e. a Gold Chest will hold better items than a Paper Chest). Earning a new chest upgrades your old one. Each type of chest has five levels before getting upgraded to a new material (so after Paper Chest 5, you’re upgraded to Wood Chest 1). Every upgrade improves the quality of the contents.
After defeating a boss, you’re given the option to quit the dungeon and collect your points and your chest or to continue on and earn more. If you choose to collect, your points are converted into trophies based on the maximum amount of points you’ve earned previously. So, if in your first run, you win 20 points, you get 20 trophies and 20 points becomes your new maximum. Then, in your next match, you earn 45 points. For that, you get 25 trophies because 45 is 25 points higher than your previous maximum.
If you choose to continue on, you then choose whether to turn right or left in the dungeon, with your choices yielding different opponents. The further into the dungeon you go, the harder the monsters become and the more trophies you earn.
If you are defeated in the Survival Dungeon, you can choose save yourself with gold up to three times. If you don’t save, everything you earned, all trophies and chest rewards, are lost and you have to start over.
You must choose to quit and collect your rewards to not lose them.
***NOTE: Trophies work differently in individual bosses for Raid Events. The counter on the screen doesn’t affect them. Trophies are determined by the quality of the chest you receive at the end and are multiplied by the energy you apply to that survival run.***
Gold is the primary currency here at Battle Camp because we’re classy like that. It can be used to buy all sorts of things, including prize grab spins, inventory space, energy, stones and avatar items. It can also be used to recover yourself if you lose a battle. You can purchase gold by tapping the gold icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
If you tap the one of the Free Gold buttons on the gold screen, you’re taken to an offer wall hosted by Tapjoy. Complete offers there to earn free gold coins or gold nuggets. Then tap the Nuggets button on the gold purchase screen to trade those nuggets for coins.
Gold Sales and Special Offers.
Sometimes you can use your gold to get additional perks and prizes. The most direct way would be through gold sales. Each Ranger on the island has their own special sale that gets you a whole assortment of items with your regularly-priced gold purchase.
All you have to do to get it is buy the gold pack on offer through the button on the sale banner. Then all the items are added to your gifts inbox.
Also, you might notice on occasion that bouncing chests have appeared in-game. There are two kinds of these chests: Deal Chests and Virtual World Chests. When you tap a Deal Chest, you’re given the chance to open one of three mystery gifts, each one containing a different item.
Tap a chest to reveal the item and then you are given the option to double the reward by either paying gold or by watching a video.
Virtual World Chests come in Bronze, Silver or Gold, each one with different rewards. When you find one, you just need to pay the price in gold to open it and receive the prizes inside.
Here at Battle Camp, we realize people are important. In fact, you might say they’re very important. Which is why we host a VIP Program where you can win additional perks by buying VIP points or by winning them when opportunities appear in-game..
You can see your VIP level in the upper left corner of the screen. Tap that to be brought to a screen where you can level up your VIP status and activate the benefits.
You can level up to as high as VIP level 10. Each level gets you more and more perks and benefits, including reduced energy refill time, shorter waiting periods for new trading partners, increased friendslist capacity and various other things that can’t be acquired any other way.
But to receive these bonuses, you must also activate your VIP membership, which you do at the bottom of the VIP screen. Your membership will last 30 days, but will then need to be recharged.
Your VIP level will decrease by 10 points each day your membership is not active, so keep that VIP membership refreshed to maintain all the perks and bonuses.
Stones are one of the most important items for you to collect. They are the fuel for feeding and evolution so you can level-up and improve your monsters. They are also essential for forging, salvaging and troop leveling.
You can find stones by winning battles, by completing goals and by selling off your unneeded inventory. You can also buy them directly with gold by tapping the stones icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Your monsters are people too. Or at least living organisms. So everything they do requires energy. Every time you battle or raid, you use up energy. Once you’re out, you can’t battle again until it is restored. Energy refills itself over time, but you can speed up the process by buying more energy with gold. Just tap the energy symbol in the upper-left corner.
Most everything in Battle Camp uses the normal Yellow Energy. But the Arena Camp uses a unique Blue Energy that recharges independent of Yellow Energy.
Boosters are special consumable items that can temporarily boost certain stats, such as attack, XP earned or drop rates of better monsters.
You can win boosters as prizes in events or raids or by petting the Troop Pet.
***Note: Attack, Recovery and Stone Boosters will NOT work in PvP***
Prize Grab Machines.
These are like our camp store. You spend gold to win fantastic prizes. You can access these machines by tapping the orange store icon in the center of the bar at the bottom of the screen.
There are different grabs with different rewards, odds and prices. The Monster Grab is the most basic grab, giving you a chance to win rare and better pieces, common monsters and occasionally complete rares or specials.
The Ultimate Grab only gives you complete monsters, including specials and rares, as well as supers, ultras and epics. The Ultimate Grab also has a tier system that will give you bonuses as you spin. The tiers reset after the timer on the grab counts down.
The Event Grab appears when an event is running and includes a unique selection of Event Monsters that give you special bonuses during their specific event.
The Lucky Grab is not available in the store, but will popup once in a while. It functions like the Ultimate Grab, but instead of tiers, it gives you improved odds on a specific advertised epic.
The Jewel Grab doesn’t actually give monsters, but rather jewels for upgrading equipment.
There are also additional grabs that appear when you win spins from events, raids or elsewhere.
Almost all prizes and rewards are delivered as gifts to your inbox. To get to your inbox, just tap the Social tab in the lower-right corner of the screen, then tap Inbox, then tap Gifts.
From here you can accept your gifts, which will add the contents to your inventory or backpack. You can also delete unwanted gifts by tapping the Edit button in the upper-right corner, selecting the gifts you want to remove, then selecting Delete.
Your inbox can hold a hard maximum of 40 gifts. One of these spaces is reserved for mystery eggs given by your facebook friends. Five are reserved for energy gifts. And the remaining thirty-four are for everything else. However, once your inbox reaches the maximum, new gifts will push out old ones and those old ones will be auto-collected and added to your inventory, backpack or current total in the following order:
Facebook Mystery Gifts.
Troop Pet Gifts.
Troop Like Gifts.
Video Deal and Virtual World Chest Prizes.
Troop Raid Rewards.
Survival Dungeon Rewards.
Gold Sale War Chests.
Gold Sale Bonus Packs.
VIP Recharge Rewards.
Crafted Monster Eggs.
Raid Hall and Lost Temple Rewards.
Extreme Boss Rewards.
Please also keep in mind that if your inventory is too far over its maximum when monster gifts are auto-collected, those gifts will be deleted due to lack of space.
사용자 정의.
You customized your look when you first got to camp. But people change all the time and so can you. Just tap on yourself and then tap the closet icon to change any aspect of your appearance anytime you want.
Trading Monsters.
You can trade monsters with other players via our support site. This can be a very useful way to get ingredients for evolution, get the passives or actives you want or to match zodiacs.
Then log in with the facebook account attached to your Battle Camp user and select the Trade link at the top of the page.
Once there, you and your friend can see each other’s inventories. Select the monster you want from your friend’s inventory and then the monster from your own you would like to offer in exchange. Then, once your friend approves your proposal, the trade will be complete.
You can make two trades per day, but you must exit the game first before you can trade.
There are other restrictions to trading as well. You can only trade with people who’ve been Battle Camp Pals for two weeks or more.
You can also only trade for a monster of the same rarity (so epics for epics, commons for commons). And each rarity requires you to reach a certain level first. 아래 표를 참조하십시오 :
Commons: Level 15.
Specials: Level 25.
Supers: Level 30.
Ultras: Level 40.
Legendary: Level 55.
In addition, there are a few monsters that can’t be traded for anything, such as the crystal specials from Lost Temple, 2nd evolved monsters of any rarity and the treat specials used for R-Boosting.
***NOTE: During events, Event Monsters can only be traded for other Event Monsters.***
Trading Monsters.
You can trade monsters with other players via the Facebook applet. This can be a very useful way to get ingredients for evolution, get the passives or actives you want or to match zodiacs.
Once there, you and your friend can see each others inventories. Select the monster you want from your friend’s inventory and then the monster from your own you would like to offer in exchange. Then, once your friend approves your proposal, the trade will be complete.
You can make as many of these proposals as you like, but only two may be accepted per day, and to make your new monster appear in-game, you need to switch camps once for EACH new monster you receive.
There are other restrictions to trading as well. You can only trade with people who’ve been Battle Camp Pals for two weeks or more.
You can also only trade for a monster of the same rarity (so epics for epics, commons for commons). And each rarity requires you to reach a certain level first. 아래 표를 참조하십시오 :
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